
No Pain, No Gain

So recently my wife & I joined a local gym. We're tired of being tired and recognized that we desperately need to shape up our shape. I've worked my way up to 3 times a week 45 mins per visit over 3 weeks. I've mostly just done the treadmill. We went in the pool a couple times to do laps. And once I did a recumbant bike. Mind you I only lasted 10 minutes on it because sitting on it was SOO awkward. It felt like I was going to slide off the seat so I was tense the whole time. Then I had to always keep track of my knees so i didn't bang them on the handles.

Things have been going well so far. I've noticed having a little more energy and my shirts don't feel QUITE so tight. But yesterday we finally did our fitness assessment. OUCH!!! The excercises weren't that bad. But today my chest is so sore from doing the pushups. I guess that's why I signed us up for 6 Personal Trainer Sessions (+2 more for free) because we... sorry... I need the help getting there.

Perhaps the craziest part of this whole deal is the fact that our first session is tonight. I'm sooo going to be hurting. So don't be surprised if I can't lift my arms to type and log into facebook, email, or blog for that matter.

"Feel The Burn !!!!"


Jessica said...


I noticed you had posted a comment on my blog (softspokenwords). Thanks for following. I've been considering writing a book, but I'm really trying to take it one step at a time. I'm in the midst of editing footage from that year into what will hopefully become a feature length documentary about global spoken word. But, eventually, yes I'd like to write a paper. I have written a few articles for very small magazines/college newspapers, but that's about it.
I'll be updating the blog more frequently now, because I've decided to extend my research to include the United States.
Thanks for reading!

Anonymous said...

Hey good for you guys!!! It sucks, but the payoff is soooo worth it when you look in the mirror and think "Damn... This exercise thing is making me look HOT"!